The success of every business is based on relationships. An after-sales service is no more an option, it’s a mandate for a healthy client-relationship.

Our after-sales service begins right after a client books his plot and continues till the society is formed as per the mutually-agreed deadline. 

We ideally maintain the project for few years, with the time duration mentioned in the sales agreement and later transfer it to the society formed by the new plot owners, thus we provide constant support to buyers till the time they settle.

Step 1 - Visit site

You need to visit any of our sites in order to validate the avalability of your plot or to choose th ....
Step 2 - The agreement

This is the written agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the sale, including the price yo ....
Step 3 - Make payment

Make full paymet or make part payment depending on the availability of funds, The payment can beheld ....
Step 4 - Title transfer

After full payments have been made, you will be asked to sign a transfer of land document.   ....
Step 5 - Title registration

This is an official record of ownership of the land and is kept by the Land Titles Office / Registra ....

Email:, Phone: +256 703 418050

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